Hi guys! Been having a good week? It is already Sunday again! I had a very busy week, I worked quite a bit (and not only on the blog ;) ).
The most fun thing I did was start the back to school series, I have quite a few ideas and I can't wait to show them to you! Also, I really love the picture of my series!
I, myself, have to go bag shopping for a new school bag! Hopefully, I'll find something I like a lot! If not, it'll be the purse that comes to school with me!
One of the most fun things to do when I'm at work is decorating: putting flowers everywhere, putting candles around the room, all that kind of stuff. I honestly enjoy it so much! Last week I've seen a lot of white roses. Ah, I love them! Favourite flowers EVER! They are so beautiful!
Missing one of my best friends! She finished high school and I'm starting my last year this year, so I won't be seeing her a lot, unfortunately!
She got her fourth tattoo this week and I couldn't come with her due to work. Damn! It is pretty awesome though! I'll ask her if I can put the pictures on the blog - if she says yes, you'll be seeing them in next weeks "Weekly Diary"!
Planning ahead for the blog!
Obsessed with these two songs! That's pretty much it for this week, not a very special or exciting week, but well, I like to take it a little slower sometimes!
Did you have a nice week?
perfect photos