
Monday, December 23, 2013

Currently loving ♥

Hello you guys!
It's been quite a while since I've done a current favies post.The jolly holidays are coming up faster and faster and I'm kind of in the mood for it, I love the holidays! Today I want to show you some other things that I've been loving as well lately. Take a peek?

I have been listening to Pharrell Williams' "Happy" a lot lately. It's really an instant feel good song, I love it. I think there should be more music like this!

At the moment I'm a little sick because of the weather, but I love taking walks in the park. Look how pretty the leaves are!

I love interior design and I love animals. God, I've been drooling over these pictures haha! So beautiful! Yes, I know, I know, a bit unrealistic, but still.

Gossip Girl! I don't follow any series on television because I have a work schedule that tends to change often but lately (since the last day of the exams), I've been watching Gossip Girl on my computer. I'm hooked.

As weird as it may sound, I have been loving green eye looks. I've also been wearing burgundy more! Festive!

What have you been loving recently? Had a good Christmas?

1 comment:

Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!