
Sunday, December 22, 2013

A holly jolly Christmas makeup look

Hello everyone! I'm sorry for updating rather late today, I didn't notice I didn't have a post scheduled until I got home from work!

I know I'm a little bit late but I have one last Christmas makeup look. In case you haven't decided what you want to do with your makeup yet, here's one last suggestion.
I have a couple of pictures ànd a getting ready video, so you can see how I did it and what it ended up looking like.
I used a lot of greens because, well, I have been loving green looks lately - and this way, you'll be matching with the Christmas tree (just kidding, the greens I'm using aren't that bright).

If you click this link it will take you to my video. (And subscribe?)
By the way, Youtube changed something in my video because I 'moved too much'. I hope by the time you see the video it will be back to normal, if not, I'm working on it!

If you croll down, you'll be able to see the pictures of this look. I hope you enjoy (and get some inspiration out of it?).

Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day!
I hope you are all having a lovely time with your friends and family. Merry Christmas!
Lots of love!


  1. I like so much this makeup so perfect for christmas!


  2. You are very nice, good make up :-)


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!