
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly Diary

Happy Sunday! How have you been?
In this Weekly Diary you'll see how my week has been! It was a bit busy but it's okay. I had a lot of fun as well and that's important as well! 

Last week I forgot to share this photo of my delicious dinner! I had dinner with one of my fellow students. She's a little bit older than most of the students, but has now decided to go back to school. We get along very well! I enjoy her company!

Last week on Sunday I had a party with a few other fellow students. I like hanging out with new people and getting to know each other. We're a big bunch of friends and I wouldn't have it any other way! We talked, laughed, sang, danced, and ate delicious snacks around the bonfire! Ladies night, alright!

 I've been a bit busy as you might have noticed. School is really busy but I've been preparing for my microteaching,which is basically the first lesson you give as a teacher, you just give them to your other students (oh, and it's being filmed)! I'm going to be teaching English as well as History and I can't wait! I am very nervous though!

I have been working really hard, trying to do the best I can and make the best lessons I could possibly make. I had my feedback last week and I have to say... I'm pleased with the result! After my exams in January, I'll actually go on internship and teach, which is so, SO exciting!

Waiting to get feedback....
Aside from that I have been making some other tasks for school and I've been trying to prepare for the exams a little bit as well. Overall I have a good feeling about it and I don't think I'm behind, but a little extra practice is always welcome.

I've not only been trying to get my school life together, I've also been trying to get healthier. Again. I start over a lot, but I always start with new motivation and inspiration.
Right now, getting healthy involves smaller portions of food and healthier snacks like an apple instead of a chocolate bar. I've also started to drink a lot of water. Not because I like water, but because I have to. For my body, and for my voice. Our teachers point it out quite often that every 10 minutes we need to drink water in order to maintain our powerful teaching voice.
I've also been exercising, but not as much as I'd like to. I did find a relatively cheap fitness centre which I will go to once my exams are over.

Right now I'm mainly looking forward to next week because we'll be spending time away from school. We will be visiting musea and all sorts of places that can help us with our education in the coming week and I'm so excited! As I'm writing this I don't know where I'm going yet but I do know I'm going to make the best of it! 

I guess I should stop rambling for today.
I'd like to apologize for not updating this week due to a busy schedule and I'd like to wish you an amazing Sunday.
Thanks for reading!

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Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!