
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Between blogging and going to college!

Hello everyone!
Today I just wanted to write a little post about personal things. Sometimes when I'm blogging, I talk about going away to college, but I don't mention it so often that everybody knows it.

Behind the scenes, I have been working really hard to be able to finish my last year in high school. I've been working on final paper for a very long time now and I'm glad to say it's almost over. The end of the schoolyear is coming so fast!
In June, I'll be taking my very last exams ever (hopefully) in high school.

However, college is a whole new adventure for me. I know millons of people have done it and it's not a big deal to some, but it's totally normal to feel overwelmed sometimes.
Either way, I know what I'm going to study, so that's good already.
I probably also be moving out. Moving out. Maybe not permanently, but probably for the three years that are coming. I want to be closer to college so that I don't have to wait on buses for hours, and then be on the buses for hours before I get home. I will be visiting my parents and pets often though! Can you believe that's in 4.5 months already?

I won't be spending  tons of money on the interior designing because I want to spend the money on my actual education, but I do want it to look decent. Here are some inspirational photos!

I am honest to God a little bit terrified, but I'm also really excited! We'll just have to see what's going to happen next!
Oh, and for those of you worried about the blog: it will probably continue to exist. I don't know how I'm going to schedule everything, but you'll get updates and information in time!

Thanks for watching! Have a good day!


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!