
Saturday, December 14, 2013

COUNTDOWN: 3 more days!

Hello everyone!
When you're reading this, I have three more days of exams to go. Just three more. Are you counting with me?
I, for the moment, don't have any posts planned due to no time so these next three days, there won't be any posts up (unless I get some kind of ideas in the next couple of minutes).
EDIT: I have managed to write until the 17th so you guys don't have to worry about not reading anything on the blog! Still keep your thumbs up for me though!


You might also have noticed that I didn't put up any Weekly Diary, that's because I'm going to put the two Weekly Diary's together. The reasons for this are:1.  I'm in exams, I have almost no spare time and no interesting things to show you and two: I always have the most difficult exams on Mondays (so that we have the weekend to prepare) so that means that I really need all my time and making a Weekly Diary just wouldn't be smart.


  1. Lovely blog!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC and FB?
    Let me know... I will follow you back!!!!

  2. Hang in there!! :))

    PS. Im looking for mulual followers, are you in??
    >> <<


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!