
Friday, October 11, 2013

Personal update: School, internship, health.

Hi guys! How have you been keeping up?
I'm typing up this little personal update in bed with a bunch of tissues, a hot cup of tea and my blankets around me.
I think it's so beautiful how fall changes the colours of the leaves on the trees, but I think it's awful that this time of year is a time to get sick easily. I, unfortunately, have caught a cold myself.

Photo by me

Anyways, I still wanted to do a little personal update because... Well why not? And I like getting to know my readers so I like you to get to know me too! What have I been up to lately?
I have to be honest, the blog has taken a lot of my time, not that I'm mad about that! It's going really well and reading your comments and emails everyday make me really happy. The amount of readers has increased too so that's really awesome. I get to meet new readers and bloggers everyday, it's so amazing!

Of course I'm still in school too, maybe you'll know this if you read my last personal update a little while ago, I think it was published in the beginning of September. School has been busy but I have the feeling that maybe this last year isn't as bad as everyone says. Yes, a lot of work, yes, a lot of stress, but it's all part of it.
I'll be doing an internship in January and this week I'm going to meet the people at the company that I'll be working for and I'm so very excited! I phoned already and they all sound very sweet, I think it's going to be a pleasure to work there, and it's a good experience, I get to learn new things! - If I am back to normal again, that is!

So what about these health problems that I told you about in the little intro? It has been quite annoying these last two weeks, first I had serious stomach complains which would be so painful that I couldn't sleep and now I have a cold. Luckely the doctor came by already and gave me something that should make me feel better. Now it's time for a lot of cuddles, cats, tea and sleep and before I know it I should be good as new!

Say "hi" to my baby boy!
Thank you for reading my little ramble! I hope you're all doing okay!


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!