
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Introducing: "A sneak peek inside my beauty closet"

When I was younger and just getting into makeup, I dreamed of having a big makeup collection like my mother used to have. I started of only getting a new product after finishing the first one, but soon the collection started to grow. Bigger, bigger, bigger. Today, I can't say I have so much makeup that I need a seperate room for it, but I do have quite some items that I collected (and started loving) over the years.
I want to show you a category of my makeup (for example lipstick) every once in a while and then write about it and include some pictures. Maybe link them if I have already reviewed them.
I do have more than what's in my collection today, I have a few shoeboxes full of makeup that I rarely use or that I'm just not crazy about. I won't show those because only the ones that I have in my stash now are the ones that I think are worth keeping!

I can't wait to share my makeup collection and my favourites with you! See you soon!

1 comment:

Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!