
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back to school series part #1: necessities

Hello everyone! Here I am with the first part of the back to school series! I love learning so going to school for me isn't that bad. Although I am freaking out a little bit, but this always happens to me. I never really like back to school shopping but this is my last year in high school and this year I made sure I was well prepared!

I'm going to start with necessities today. All of us know that when you go to school, you can't go there with empty hands!
First of all, you need a bag. You can get a typical school bag, or if you're a girl, you can also just get a purse. I find that the oversized bags from Pieces, Zara and H&M are very handy to take to school. They're also stylish!

An empty bag is not enough of course! The first thing I always look for is an agenda, I love to keep my things organized and well planned. I get an agenda from school too (in which we note what we did each hour and in which we note our tests) but I can't plan personal things in that. Well, I can, but I don't want the teacher to know my whole planning so I bought another, extra one. This one is tiny but cute and I can plan stuff like dates, movienights, days for work and other stuff in here.

I also always bring a notebook. I find it easy to take notes, to scribble something down I can't forget, to use the paper if we have an unexpected pop quiz or make revisions of a certain course. You'd be surprised how often a notebook is needed!
You can get notebooks pretty much everywhere. I like recycled notebooks a lot because it's good for the environment, but I also think the paper is so smooth and so easy to write on!

Of course you need a pencil holder! Penns, pencils, erasers, markers,... I even put bobbi pins and a few coins in my pencil holder! You never know when you're going to need it. I don't put a lot of money in it though, most of it will be in my wallet, which is something that you need to keep in your bag as well! My pencil holder is from Eastpak. It's white with flowers on it and I think it looks so cute and fresh!

I also take a little bag with some girl stuff, if you know what I mean. Even if it's not the time of the month, you can never be careful enough and maybe you can help your friends out if they have problems. O, and in case you have a bag that likes to spit out the pads or tampons (mine always falls over, I think it does that on purpose to embarrase me in front of the whole class), there are some nice pad- and tampon holders on the market for those of you girls who have an annoying, falling bag as well.

In the girl stuffbag, I also put a deodorant, concealer, some lipbalm or lipgloss and maybe a pressed powder or some mascara! I also always take a hairbrush with me. I go to school by bike so when I arrive my hair looks like "The red queen" from Alice in Wonderland. Nice, but not my style, haha!

This is optional but most of the time you have this little seperate space in your bag, that's where I put my headphones, my phone, and my keys. I also always bring a book if I have extra space but that's optional as well, obviously you don't have to bring it if you don't like reading. I just put that in sometimes in case our teacher is sick or in case we finish class early.


The last thing I bring is some kind of folder to put my assignments in and my calculator, because I always need it!

All of the things I showed you today can be found in super inexpensive stores! Oh, and just a little tip but I always bring extras, like extra folders and notebooks, you never know when you're going to need it (ahum, exams!) and it is quite nice to have them, even if school hasn't started yet! What are you waiting for? Go school shopping!

That's it! Did I forget anything? You can skip several steps also! Not all of the things I bring to school are things that you'll need to bring to school as well! Thanks for reading! I'll see you soon!
Again, if there's anything you'd like to see that involves "back to school", please let me know in the comments! Thanks!

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