
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekly Diary

Hello everyone! Wow, another week has passed! Today I'm going to show you what my week looked like, in pictures.

I've had two J.K. Rowing books on my desk lately. I don't have much time to read but after a rough day it's always fun to sit back and relax with a bit of magic. I have started the second book, "A Casual Vacancy", but I haven't gotten far yet. So far I do really like it. It proves that J.K. Rowling is both talented when it comes to writing fantasy books for kids and adult books.

Writing myself!

Saving up money in the cutest piggy bank in the world! I'm saving up for an iPhone!

Oh look! It's alive! I love having some plants in my room. I have a little tree, two orchid and a bunch of other, little flowers. This ons is in my Marilyn Monroe mug, my dad thought it would be adorable and I agreed! These little details make me really happy. Can't wait to see it grow. Thanks, dad!

Last week I discovered that my waterbottle looks cute at times. So I took a picture of it. Did anyone say random?

Tattoo inspiration! Isn't it beautiful?

Bedroom inspiration! I love pictures like this, vintage, snuggly, books, ah! Love!

Still didn't break my new year's resolution! I have been eating healthy and I've been drinking a lot of water lately. I didn't lose any weight yet but oh well, at least I'm getting some vitamines!
So how was your week?


  1. I really like your picture diary post. I have been reading a lot these past few days ( Sanatorij, The age of Shiva, The Diamont as Big as Ritz...) and really enjoyed it. I haven't got to Harry yet, maybe one day:)
    that plant looks really cute.
    I like tattoes but never had the guts to do one myself.
    vintage still is always great:)

    Keep up eating healty;)

  2. Nice pics, I really like the idea to put a flower in a mug!!!

  3. love this post!! Is too funny know about you via pictures... ;)
    kiss. V

  4. Nice post. I have been reading on-and-off 'Casual Vacancy' as well and so far, only half-way through it.

    Good luck with saving up for an iPhone!


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!