
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekly Diary #1

Since I have quit a few pictures every week, I decided to go ahead an make a weekly diary. This post will be up every Sunday and will take the place of my monthly diary.
I hope you all had a great week and that you're ready to start the new week.


This week has been amazing! First of all I got to celebrate the new year with people I care about a lot and after that we went for drinks and just had a great time - starting the new year right! 


Remember the post I did on this text? To fill up a jar with positive memories of events in 2013? I have quite a few things in my jar already. I don't know if that's because I put the little things that make me happy in there too, or because I'm just a lucky person.

Night out! This picture was taken on New Year. I'm on the left.

Diet time! Yes! I want to get more fit and healthy and I started on the second of this month! This picture inspires me a lot!

Ah, orchids, I love them so much! I got myself a third one last week and I'm very happy with it! 

On New Year's Eve, I got a rose from a guy I barely knew... Can someone guess what memory I put in my "happy 2013 jar" that night?

Christmas decoration! I'm not ready to put it away yet, so I'm going to let my room be festive for another while!

How was your week?


  1. Sounds like you started off the new year with a bang! The memories jar is such a great idea - I might steal it from you :)

  2. Great post!


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!