
Monday, January 21, 2013

Liebster Award

The Liebster Award is a tag to get to know people with less than 200 followers a bit more. I was tagged recently and I thought it would be fun to do. Here are the questions that I have to answer.

1. What is your favourite colour?
    I have two favourite colours; Mintgreen and cherry red!

2. If you had to chose between and all black and all white outfit, what would it be?
    Probably an all black outfit. White gets dirty way too easy and I feel "more safe" in black.

3. What is your personal beauty secret?
   My beauty secret is blush. I am very pale, personally so I find that blush makes me look healthier.

4. What inspires you the most when it comes to dressing up? 
Vintage girls, to be 100% honest. I'm talking 50's ladies and pin up girls. Ah, love 'em! 


5. What is your favourite pair of shoes?
 I have a lovely pair of stiletto heels that I got at New Look last summer. I only wear it to special occasions but they're really my all time favies!

6. If you could have any designer gown, which one would it be?
    Hmm, I'd probably go with Chanel!

7. Who do you think had the biggest influence on your style evolution?
Marilyn Monroe, obviously. Well, basically she just made me want to wear more classy things. Kim Kardashian made me love wearing dresses that accentuate my curves. As for my pin up obsession... I guess all of the pin up girls that I see on the internet!


8. What do you like to wear around the house?
    A tight top with baggy pants. Sooo comfty!

9. Do you ever give advice to people on what they should wear?
Not really. Most of my friends have a great style when it comes to fashion so they don't really need help.

10. What is the best fashion purchase, the item of clothing or accessory that you're so glad you have?
I know it might sound silly to a few of you, but I'd have to say all the dresses/pencil skirts that I got from H&M. There's something about H&M dresses... The length is perfect, the patterns are cute, the cleavage is okay... I just love how they fit me. Oh, and it's cheap.

11. Do you read fashion magazines?
 Yes, I do read magazines like Elle magazine, Marie Claire, Vogue... There's tons of inspiration in there!


  1. Nice post! I read the same magazines!

  2. Great post (: I like the same colors as you :)

  3. love the dress! and my beauty secret is the same! :)


Keep it classy ♥ Thanks for reading!